

  • Abboud, M., El Hafyani H., Zuo, J.n Zeitouni, K., Taher Y. (2021) Micro-environment recognition in the context of environmental crowdsensing. EDBT/ICDT-WS.
  • Brahem, M., El Hafyani H., Mehanna S., Zeitouni, K., Yeh, L., Taher Y., Kedad Z., Ktaish A., Chachoua M., Ray C. (2021) Data perspective on environmental mobile crowd sensing, In Intelligent Data-Centric Systems, Intelligent Environmental Data Monitoring for Pollution Management, In Intelligent Environmental Data Monitoring for Pollution Management, pp. 269-288. Academic Press, 2021.
  • El Hafyani, H., Zeitouni, K., Taher, Y., Leveraging Change Point Detection for Activity Transition Mining in the Context of Environmental Crowdsensing. SIGKDD International Workshop on Urban Computing, UrbComp 2020.
  • Brahem, M., Zeitouni, K., Yeh, and El Hafyani H.: Prospective Data Model and Distributed Query Processing for Mobile Sensing Data Streams. ECML/PKDD workshop, MASTER 2019.
  • El Hafyani H., Big Data Series Analytics in the Context of Environmental Crowdsensing. In 2020 21st IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM).
  • Noureddine, H. Modelling, Managing and Processing of Mobility Data in Urban Environment. In 2020 21st IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM).
  • Noureddine, H., Ray, C. and Claramunt, C., 2020, June. Semantic trajectory modelling in indoor and outdoor spaces. In 2020 21st IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM).
  • M. Brahem, M. Chachoua, H. El Hafyani, Z. Kedad, A. Ktaish, S. Mehanna, C. Ray, Y. Taher, R. Thibaud, L. Yeh and K. Zeitouni. “Polluscope – Vers un observatoire participatif de l’exposition individuelle à la pollution de l’air et de ses effets sanitaires”, SAGEO 2019, Clermont-Ferrand 13-15/11/2019.
  • B. Languille, V. Gros, N. Bonnaire, C. Pommier, C. Honoré, C. Debert, L. Gauvin, S. Srairi, B. Chaix, I. Annesi-Maesano, B. Chaix, K. Zeitouni, (2020). A methodology for the characterization of portable sensors for air quality measure with the goal of deployment in citizen science. STOTEN Journal, Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier), 2019, vol. 708, p. 134698.
  • Annesi-Maesano I. et al. Vers un observatoire participatif de l’exposition individuelle à la pollution de l’air et de ses effets sanitaires. Colloque National Capteurs et Sciences Participatives (CASPA), Paris, 2019.
  • B. Languille, V. Gros, N. Bonnaire, C. Honoré, C. Debert, L. Gauvin, S. Srairi, A. Gorin, B. Chaix, I. Annesi-Maesano, M. Chachoua, C. Ray, K. Zeitouni. Observatoire participatif de l’exposition individuelle à la pollution de l’air : première phase de tests et sélection des capteurs, Journée scientifique du SIRTA, June 2017. Presentation (in French)
  • B. Languille, V. Gros, N. Bonnaire, C. Honoré, C. Debert, L. Gauvin, S. Srairi, A. Gorin, K. Zeitouni. First stage of the Polluscope project: selection and assessment of portable air quality sensors, Accepted for oral presentation, Air Quality Conference,Barcelone, March 2018. Link
  • R. Haque, Y. Taher, and K. Zeitouni. Towards AirCare: A Highly Scalable Data Management System for Mobile Sensor Driven Exposure Analysis to Air Pollution. IEEE ComSoc Newsletter. 2017. Article