Who we are
Polluscope consortium consists of 7 partners among which 6 partners from academia, an environmental agency and a public institution in sustainable development.
- DAVID Lab., is the project leader, and develops advanced research combining big data, high-quality knowledge extraction, data security and confidentiality, modeling and algorithmics in order to propose innovative applications in the context of the smart and sustainable city.
- AirParif is a non-profit agency funded by the ministry of environment. The agency is responsible for monitoring the air quality in Paris region.
- CEREMA is a public administrative institution under the joint supervision of the ministery of environment, of Transport, and of urbanism.
- EIVP is an "Engineering School of Paris City" specialised on urban engineering. Supported by the City of Paris, this higher education school is a member of the PRES Paris-Est, along with the École des Ponts.
- iPLESP is affiliated to both INSERM (the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research) and UPMC (University Pierre et Marie Curie). Polluscope involves two teams: EPAR which is a world leader in the field of health effects of air pollution ; and NEMESIS which conducted the RECORD study where several hundreds of participants were followed up with wearable sensors of location, behavior, environmental exposures, and health.
- Irenav is a French research institute under the authority of Arts et Métiers ParisTech and the Navy School (École Navale).
- LSCE is one of the most recognized laboratories for the study of climate and in particular climate change . It plays a very important role within the framework of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which involves many of its researchers.